
From Home Is Where I Want To Be
Revision as of 09:53, 3 April 2013 by Adminwiki (Talk | contribs)

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Backend notes

Kinkannu - (from kīnu: 1) permanent (health, life, parts of liver , station of planet, temple ...) 2) reliable, true (word, command) , honest , trustworthy , faithful (person, servant, partner ...) , loyal , righteous (king) 3) legitimate (son, ruler ...) 4)[Mathematics] : correct (calculations, measurements ...) And kânu : G. to be firm D. to make firm, fast ; to prove)

Former member of military or similar order; drummed out for (reason*). Reason?

  • Mandatory retirement age?
  • Political?
  • Personal?
  • Injury?

-- Adminwiki (talk) 06:15, 18 March 2013 (UTC)

She may be sympathetic to Neyu, regardless of her reluctance, because she's seen the effects of war when she was serving in the military, and because she, too, may be a kind of refugee from her former life. -- Adminwiki (talk) 06:15, 18 March 2013 (UTC)

Her habits and customs have to be dissimilar on some level to Neyu’s. Certainly there will be a language barrier. Maybe Vaasith colonials don’t learn as much cultural stuff (second, third languages) as ones closer to the home world? Neyu might be perfectly qualified to run a small industrial farm, but has little to know real understanding of cultures outside her own. Possibly a reactionary act by Vaasith in its decline? --Adminwiki (talk) 23:53, 2 April 2013 (UTC)